Posted by Gary O'Rielly on Sep 13, 2021
Our guest speakers at our September 10th meeting were from Washington State Department of Transportation giving an update on the SR 9 and SR 204 Interchange Project.  Steve Herkowitz, Project Design Communications and Emma Dorazio, PDR with Tes Abraha, Assistant Project Engineer and Kenny Ezeokeke, Project Manager spoke to our Club about the upcoming improvements to SR 9 and SR 204 intersection. Tes Abraha started with a Project recap. The process started in 2016. The Project needs statement included that the intersection of SR 9 and SR 204 is the economic center of Lake Stevens. The improvements will shorten travel times for peak hour commuters and commercial drivers headed north of Lake Stevens using eastbound SR 204 to northbound SR 9. Another feature is to improve access and maintain visibility to local businesses. And decrease the serious crash rates at the intersection.
The presentation included a project outreach recap which started in 2018. Five in-person open houses; four business forums and eleven stakeholder Advisory group meetings. Project design and staged construction was outlined for our members. The design concepts at four locations: SR9/SR204 intersection; SR9/Davies Road, which is a new intersection; Vernon Road/North Davies Road (relocated roundabout and 91st Avenue NE/Vernon Road.  The designs diffuse traffic from SR9/SR204 intersections by providing more routing options.
The Project timeline as stated earlier started in 2016.  Stage two started on June 14th and currently under construction includes roadway improvements to add a second northbound lane on SR 9 from south Market Place to 4th Street Northeast where it will meet up with existing second northbound lane. Building noise walls along the sides of SR 9 answers questions posed by neighbors along that corridor. The Noise Walls have been ordered but will not be delivered until the Spring of 2022. Planting at last five more trees which is around 600+ trees and other landscapes. Stage three will start in 2022 and will be the major project for SR 8/SR204. Construction in June included weeknights between 9 pm and 5 am. Partial and full closure of Market Place at the intersection with SR 9 will occur from September 16-24th. Other closures will occur during the construction. 
Another great presentation and program for our Club members.