This was our 3rd. year completing this program and it was another great success.
Five schools were selected in the Surrey School District that are considered  Inner-city  Schools and are feeder Elementary schools to Kwantlen Park Secondary. The schools we provided dictionaries to all the Grade three students were:- Bridgeview, Forsyth Road, Old Yale Road, K.B.Woodwood and James Ardiel

We delivered 212 dictionaries over 4 days. 10 Members of the Club participated in this project.

With the provision for privacy we were unable to show the faces of all the happy children without individual releases  so that is why you will see photos from the back of the Class. Here is a selection of photos taken during the week including our President who had to serve a time out and memorize the meanings of the two words we had the children locate with the help of their teachers "TRICK and TREAT"



