A lot has happened since the last update.
Unfortunately not all good.
We have lost 2  active members 
Treasurer Ten Tran has resigned from the club due to business and family pressures. We wish him well and hope he returns when his schedule permits.
Also Dennis Fierbach has taken a leave as his new posting has him (on the Road again) traveling all over the world working on humanitarian causes with GAIN Aid Network. 
The Board met on February 21st.to address these changes and are pleased to advise that Bryce McElroy has volunteered to serve as Treasurer for the balance of the 2017-2018 Rotary Year.
We now need to turn our attention to coming events.
Rotary Cares... unfortunately our dictionary supplier has failed to meet the time frame and I still await delivery
tentative delivery dates to schools March 12-23rd. Once I have the books and have confirmed with schools
I will be needing at lease 3 volunteers per delivery.
District Assembly. April 7th.(.8am - 3pm) Once again at KPU. We have 5 registrations that we pay for so check your schedule great time to meet other Rotarians and learn.
Starfish Paint Event.  Yeen and Frances are bringing this fundraiser/Awareness event together for April 15th.
Fusion Fest 2018.(July21-22nd) We are hosting a booth with 3 other clubs to promote Starfish and Rotary.
Dine Around. We have determined we do not have the manpower to hold this in the Spring so have tabled the event to be revisited in the Fall.