The room was buzzing with One-Liners. Yes Colin McSween was in the house. The acknowledged authority on the Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22 1963. Several years back Colin presented a multi-part presentation on the Assassination and we were able to Skype Dr. Robert McClelland,one of the Emergency room doctors to give us the real information. Colin recapped the events of Nov 22 1963 and the various activities by the CIA and other Government people that cast questions on the Official Line on who did what and did Lee Harvey really do the deed??

Complete with supporting documentation and memorabilia Colin kept the audience captivated by the inconsistencies in the "Official Line" No wonder Colin has been called to contribute to books on the subject and has been invited to speak to conferences in Dallas on the subject.

One book that Colin co-wrote was At the Door of Memory -Aubrey Rike . Here Past President John Koropatnisky and President John Edwards thank Colin for sharing his knowledge and one-Liners with us once again.
