Robert lead us through the path of wealth management and showed us the steps required to end up with the right amount to look after our
retirement years in a manner to which we are accustomed. The Key is planning with your Financial Advisor your strategy as early as you can 
and reviewing progress at least yearly. Finding the right person to assist you in your planning is equally important so this is where you start
find a planner you feel comfortable with so that you will get the most from your partnership.

The need to shore up the savings with protection to ensure our plan is completed even we are not there to do it ourselves.

Robert took us through the Life Cycle of Financial Planning for Retirement showing how actions we take in our 20's have a great effect on the 
results in our 60's. He showed us the many layers of income sources available at retirement and the value of Life sizing our residence and other
properties to enable a long and comfortable retirement. 
Here our own Financial Planner(retired) Bryce McElroy presents Robert with the traditional Club thank you gift. (photo by Bill Burnett)
