Our esteemed member Deane Gurney was our keynote speaker on February 25th. His message was the rules and legitimacy of Claims on tax returns for Charitable Donations.  He described how many claims which were for donations of goods for which a taxable receipt is obtained were found to be fraudulent by Revenue Canada where values have been inflated purely for the purpose of avoiding taxes. Many people have found to their dismay that they did not qualify and now were faced with repaying taxes and penalties in many instances placing people in dire straits.   As we always say the best charity is to donate to our Rotary Foundation. Minimal administration costs only 3%  Your contributions help us strengthen peace efforts, provide clean water and sanitation, support education, grow local economies, save mothers and children, and fight disease.

Duane Buchanan presents a token of appreciation to Deane for updating us on this tax issue.
