Tuesday's presentation by Marilyn Moseley Honorary Consul to Barbados really brought us to those warm sandy shores with members watching the slides and I am sure many thinking "wish we were there."

Barbados weather is generally warm and sunny all year round with an average daytime high of 75 - 85 F. The nights are usually slightly cooler.The prevailing northeast trade winds blow steadily so that although it is bright and sunny, it is not unbearably hot.

Marilyn told us about the history of Barbados and its transition from a producer and exporter of Sugar Cane to an economy based on Tourism and the provision of financial services .Barbados is fast becoming a preferred low tax destination for international businesses and has attracted several such businesses, particularly in the areas of Information Technology, Manufacturing and Financial Services. These businesses have found the legal, financial and accounting services offered by local Barbadian companies to be world-class.

She also acquainted us with details of many Barbadian citizens who have made a difference in Canada and Vancouver.
