Steve Gardality is the author of the book Win at Any Price, a true story of how omnipresent, omnipotent government through tax agency was able to derail an individual's life. No one can be safe when the government sets out to “WIN AT ANY PRICE". Between large-scale frauds by Estate Financial Inc., in San Luis Obispo Country and the Franchise Tax Board of California, Gardality faced formidable obstacles perpetrated from the ones entrusted by the public.

Leaving Hungary from the watchful eyes of the Soviet style law-enforcement at early age, Gardality found himself first in Italy. Arriving in the US he enrolled at Kent State University in the School of Architecture. His earlier training in construction came in handy in California where he designed and built several homes and developed a number of building sites.

To his bewilderment, he had to encounter arbitrary prosecution by the State of California (Franchise Tax Board) and the local District Attorney in San Diego. The State accused him of tax evasion (which eventually was proven false), but the local District Attorney ignored all evidence in order to further her political career.
During that time, he also had to watch in dismay as a Estate Financial Inc., a finance company he had done business with for years crumbled due to the greed of those running it.
Into 2008 he was instrumental in forcing the company into an involuntarily Bankruptcy to stop them from looting the balance of funds which were handled like a Ponzi Game. Several agencies highlighted in the book include: the IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI, INS, EPA as well as the Patriot Act. Laws passed with a positive view, but contrary to the initial intent of the Constitution.
In his book, Gardality explains his belief that regulations and taxing can be translated into an overwhelming prosecutorial opportunity against law abiding citizens. His book shows how government at all levels can ensnare then decide using laws against anyone as targets. The average person does not need to commit a crime. They can be charged and forced to plead guilty to be relieved from the mental torture and financial ruin.
Even when there is no infraction, it can be financially ruinous to mount a legal defense against powerful agencies that seem bent on coercing a plea deal or settlement. Once in the grips of the authorities, livelihoods and civil liberties are sacrificed.

He believes that through regulations and tax laws, the US government diverted from its intended role. To preserve the country and its citizen's rights, the public must demand reduction in regulations and taxes over time.
Steve (left) is shown here with Maria Mac Lean Rotary Director of Membership.  To learn more about his book go to his website; WINATANYPRICE.COM
Hard Cover Book $24.95, Soft Cover $14.95 E-Book $9.95 plus tax where applicable
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