Nick Pardasani introduced the day’s guest speaker; Bill Stafford. Bill is an author, trained grief counselor and also provides seminars in Gaining Life Balance and Finding Purpose in Life.
He started off by telling us that the typical response to “How are you?” is “I am fine”. The “fine” is just a meaningless (sandpaper grit? , speeding ticket?) default statement because we do not really want to say. His answer to the question is a booming “I am magnificent!”; a personal response to life, a personal choice of exuberant life view.

However, Bill has not always been this way; he used to be a gloomy doomsday character. This prior life view he blames on early life trauma and personal perspective. All that changed with the birth of his daughter Shannon. This child was totally full of life’s happiness and she became the very heart of Bill’s life. At an early age Shannon was diagnosed with and eventually died of bone cancer. During her entire illness she remained happy, completely welcoming of all that life offered. Shannon’s passing devastated Bill. Additionally, his marriage failed and he lost his job.

At his life’s lowest ebb, Bill decided to choose his daughter’s personal life choice. He explored his feelings, and took charge of his own life. He returned to school and earned a master’s in spiritual psychology. He explained to us that, "Life is FOR me and I can use whatever happens. Live/direct your life; do not just let it happen to you!”

His education and personal life choices have allowed him to quit being a victim (poor me) and instead become the owner of a life he personally is responsible for. With his new perspective he began to see opportunities instead of problems. Bill and his wife got back together. His view became an admission that he did not know it all. Things happen in life for a purpose and he has a choice every morning. Bill’s choice is, “I am magnificent, life is FOR me!”

Bill’s presentation was well received and initiated numerous questions.
More Notes from the ranks . . . 
Spin the Wheel:
  1. Jay recounted his recent trip to the Island of Hawaii with his family. Lots seen and done!
  2. Bea recounted a recent police action in her neighborhood; one involving a potential auto firebombing.
  3. John Berg had lots to share: the police found the totaled shell of his recently stolen car so he promptly went out and bought a new Honda; his son’s Louisiana home is in the very heart of the newly flooded areas but has escaped damage; and he just returned from a family reunion in Montana where 93 relatives showed up!
Duane decided not to spin the wheel because, “I never win anything!”