By Jim Machado

This Friday night the Gods smiled on the Culver City Rotary Club and its Mardi Gras Party.  When you have a party and there is good live music, a bar that knows how to pour drinks, the girls are dressed up and wearing masks or having their faces painted, you might think you are at the Rio in Las Vegas, but NO you are at a Culver City Rotary party at the Pacific Mariner Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey.

Though it was raining, we still had a good turnout.  Queen Linda "Latifah" Black had a real bounty of Southern food: crayfish, Jambalaya, gumbo, dirty rice & red beans and much more.  At the end of the bar was John "Bubba" Black, the Arkansas Razor Back and story teller celebrating his first book to be published.  Next to John was Cy Pierce and his muse Sandi.  Cy was providing advise on how John should merchandise his "Toad Suck" theme - hats, shirts and other marketing materials.  Can't you imagine a "Toad Suck" talking doll saying "feed me".

Molly Messmer was at the door welcoming everyone as they came in. Beads were passed out, but as far as I know there were NO beads collected for being an exhibitionist.  The best costumes came from Larry and Sandy Knowles. Sandy was the perfect Southern belle and Larry could have passed for a Southern general.  There were a number of fun guests, but the people I was most happy to see was Richard Marcus and his wife Janet.  Richard just looked great considering the operation he just had last month.  Bryon and Melissa Mooney were enjoying the Southern food.  I was surprised Bryon had not eaten Crayfish before, after all he is from South Carolina.

Tim Messmer was promoting the upcoming track meet and doing a good job of it.  I saw Jerry & Janet Chabola sitting with Tim, enjoying some fine wine and planning the details of the track meet.  Craig Ferre and his lovely wife Laura were at the party.  Craig was sporting a silver beard much like a slender Ernest Hemingway.  Carmela "Boom Boom" Raack came through big time with some outstanding desserts.  Chris King and the president of the Interact Club helped serve the food and kept the line moving.  Bill and Sue Gardner were enjoying themselves - Bill had his Rainbow colored "Tea Party Hat" and Sue had a cute mask.

There was a lot of effort to make this fundraiser a success.  Queen Linda orchestrated the entire party.  Raphie & Dieter worked on Thursday prepping the ingredients for Friday's cooking.  On Friday, Bill & Sue Gardner, the Messmers, Chris King and others played a vital part in making the event a success.  Those that were not able to make it missed a real winner of a party.