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Makeup Meetings
Missed a Meeting? Easy Make-Ups
Need to make-up for missing a Rotary Meeting? Rotarians are encouraged to attend at least 50% of their club meetings. Many attend much more. There are many who work at keeping 100% attendance by attending other clubs in the district or when they travel.
A list of Rotary Clubs, meeting days and locations are available on the District Website, .
Make-ups can be up to 2 weeks before or after the missed meeting. A missed meeting may also be made up by attending a Rotaract or Interact meeting or helping out at a Rotary sponsored event or by attending a District Breakfast, the Foundation Celebration, the District Conference, a committee meeting or tother District events. Give makeup cards or email to the Club Secretary before the 10th of each month for the Club Attendance Report.
Have you tried the easy on-line eClub meetings? There are a number of eClubs that will email a meeting attendance to the Club Secretary - if you have the secretary's email. Visit the Rotary eClub of The Southwest, USA, some intersting meetings and to learn more about Rotary. Yes, it is just like a Rotary meeting including a Rotary song!
Two new e-clubs in District 5280 are the Rotary e-club of Los Agneles Cedars, and the E-Club of Greater San Fernando Valley, Visit them on-line or at one of their meetings.