Our Speaker is Doug Easer.


Just a note:  I called Waheed to be sure everything was ok and he responded.

Hi Dave,
I sorry I could not return your call and got the voice message you left for me.
I came to Baltimore (MD) for job interview last week Thursday and still there. 

I am okay and doing well but just increased the pace for the work search. 
I need to get a job. Is almost three months I came into US now.

Greetings to your wife and all other members of the Bellflower Club, 
I will be back in when I finish the job interview here.
Let's all wish him well in his job search.

Dave Davis gave us an update on the "Every 15 Minutes" Program.
The Lakewood Rotary Club needs us to take in donation money for 
them due to the fact that they don't have a 501(c)(3).  He asked 
members to contribute $100 each to help repay the Bellflower School
District for their over budget expenditures in the areas of bleachers, etc.

Doug spoke to us about China, The DRC, and Taiwan.  It was especially
interesting to hear that for the first time in 39 years all three met for
strategic talks.  
There will probably be reunification sometime in the future.  Taiwan will
probably have a semi autonomous status something like Hong Kong.

Remember Rotary Pin Day in two weeks.