Rotary Chick's will be having their "Board Meetings" for the next few months as listed.
I need all new Rotary Members' significant other or wife's name,email address, and phone/cell numbers if they would like to be added to our communications and invitations.
Rotary Chick's will be meeting on the following dates at the homes of members thru the summer months:
Tuesday, June 18th             Lorraine Wilson    Potluck
Tuesday, July 16th             Caroline Hall      Potluck
Tuesday, August 20th           Connie Hui         Potluck
Tuesday, September 17th        Linda Nesst        Potluck
Details will be sent to Rotary Chick Members.  All evenings will begin at 6:30PM, RSVP's to event hostess and Sheila requested, so our hostess/members can prepare appropriate main dish servings. Members will have sign ups prior to the event to prevent duplicate complimentary dishes to the menu.