Rebecca Crall is Rotary International's  Area of Focus Manager for Peace building and Conflict Prevention (PCP). Her work as Area of Focus Manager centers on the strategic growth of the PCP portfolio with an emphasis on the development of the Rotary strategic partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace. Peace is a global need if one considers that conflicts involved 70 million displaced people in 2019 when the economic cost of violence was $14.1 trillion.  This represents a 30% increase in violent conflict since the end of the Cold War. 

Recipients of Rotary Peace Fellowships ’s mission is to share a vision of sustainable peace. To achieve this goal,  Rotary partners with 7 leading universities worldwide to develop leaders for peace.  Rebecca explained that along with the Institute for Economics and Peace, Rotary has developed concepts for measuring peace into its positive and negative aspects.  Negative peace provides security and the absence or fear of violence.  Positive peace focuses on attitudes, institutions, and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies. Measurements were taken in 150 countries to identify top factors connected with high levels of peace.  The Eight Pillars of Positive Peace are:  Low levels of corruption, acceptance of the rights of others, free flow of information, a strong business environment, high levels of human capital, equitable distribution of resources, good relations with neighbors and a well functioning government.