United States of America

We all have a lot of questions about how to operate amidst the chaos.  The questions I most frequently get are:

"Do you have any idea how we could..."; and   "What are other clubs doing about..."

To try to get you answers, we've created a Roundtable Series on operating in the time of COVID-19.  See the schedule attached for you to share.  Anyone that is interested in that topic can attend, ask questions, and share ideas and solutions.  These will be casual exchanges of information, with a moderator who will kick off the discussion and a few clubs prepared to share their experience..

May 15 - What is working and what isn't? Learned anyZoom tricks? Had or need a good virtual speaker? Post-shelter plans?

May 20- What about our fundraiser?

May 26 - Dollars ansd Sense  - Charging for meals? Helping struggling members? Changing dues? Reducing donations?