Nov 02, 2023 7:30 AM
Rotary District 6330

Al is a charter member, 1989, of the Rotary Club of London South. He is a past president of his club, 1997-98, past club-service Director and has served on each of the avenues of service, and other committees. He is currently the club foundation chair and is a member of the community service / Vocational Committee. .

Al was assistant governor for District 6330, Area #4, for two years… 1999 to 2001,

He is a past (centennial) Governor, 2004-2005.

He served as District Chair for annual giving to the rotary foundation, 2005-6 and 2006-7.

He was the District 6330 Delegate to the 2010 and 2013 Councils On Legislation.

He was District 6330 trainer, 2006 to 2009, and a zone 24 trainer at the Zone Institutes in 2008 and 2009.

He was District Chair, and a facilitator for the Rotary Leadership Institute from 2009 to June 2017.

Al has served on the District Finance Committee, district nominating committee and as chair of the district strategic planning committee.

With Hogie Hansen from zone 32 Al co-chaired the 2010 zones 24 & 32 Zone Institute in London Ontario, in November 2010. He was the co-registrar for the 2011 zones 24 & 32 Institute in Boston MA. and was registrar for the 2012 zones 24 & 32 institute in Vancouver B.C.

Al chaired a district 6330 fundraiser, $500,000.00, completed in 2009 for the London Ontario children’s hospital.

He was the R.I. Presidents Representative to the November 2013 District 5340 Conference in San Diego Ca. He is a benefactor, a bequest society member, a sustaining member of the Rotary Foundation, a multiple Paul Harris fellow and a major donor. Two of his passions are the rotary foundation and rotary leadership training.

Until mid 1999 Al was vice president of operations for a manufacturer of steel buildings and has held similar positions with other manufacturing companies for the previous 30 years.

During that time, he was active in many business and community associations. Since retiring he has been active as a management consultant. He also sits on The Board of Directors of a local manufacturing company.

He and his wife, Bernice, reside in London.