There are still many in our community who remain hungry and have food insecurities. Let's do our part and bring food to our next meeting on November 5
The following items are still in need at the Northfield Food Pantry.
In recognition of our October 1 meeting which is the distribution of food insecurity grants to four charitable organizations, we hope that everyone brings at least one bag of items from the list so that the pantry may continue to appropriately serve their clients. If you cannot attend this meeting, Gary Moriello has graciously offered his home (4275 Lindenwood, Northbrook) as a drop off point and he will bring the food to our meeting.
Many thanks. Helen
My Fellow Northbrook Rotarians,
Happy Sunday and hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend.
As we are now fully running in our 2024-2025 Rotary year it is also incumbent on us to start planning for next year. Specifically, our club maintains a number of Committees that allow you to get involved, stay involved, and make a difference for our club and our community.
Following are the Committees that are available in Northbrook Rotary:
• Club Service – supports the ongoing meetings of Northbrook Rotary
• Community Service – supports our interaction with the community and grants
• Fundraising – drives our ability to make investments in our community
• International Service – enables our club to localize international grant opportunities
• Membership – works with existing members and outreach to potential members
• Public Image – creates and maintains awareness of Northbrook Rotary
• Rotary Foundation – coordination point between Rotary Foundation and our membership
• Vocational Service – supports our club's outbound vocational endeavors
• Youth Service – support our club’s outbound youth services
As we plan for the 2025-2026 Rotary year and you consider how you would like to make a difference in Northbrook Rotary, please let me know any and all committees that you have an interest in to drive meaningful contributions.
All the best.
Bill Wax,
Northbrook Rotary President Elect