LinkedIn – where our prospects can be found!
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Please make sure if you do – you connect with our club page. LinkedIn is the largest business community – according to 60 Minutes on Sunday – noting this valuable platform connects professionals. It’s a great way to connect with Rotarians all over the world, too. Closer to home – it’s the place to engage with area businesspeople AKA future members. LINK:

LinkedIn Demographics & Biz Stats

  • Females account for 43.1% of the total LinkedIn users, while 56.9% of LinkedIn users are male. 
  • 48.5% of US LinkedIn users are Monthly Active Users 
  • There are 326 million female users on LinkedIn and 430 million male users. 
  • 19.2% of Millennials (18-24 years old) use LinkedIn. 
  • The age group with the most LinkedIn users is between the ages of 25 and 34 at 60.1%
  • There are 61 million senior-level influencers and 65 million decision-makers on LinkedIn. 
  • There are 17 million opinion leaders and 10 million C-Level executives on LinkedIn.
  • 37 percent of US adults use LinkedIn.
  • 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn 
  • There was a 55% increase in conversations on LinkedIn in 2020 
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