The Rotary Club of Deerfield, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Highland Park, was chartered on November 20, 1930 and held its Charter Night dinner on November 30. For many years, the club met at Phil Johnson's Restaurant. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, many Northbrook residents became members. The name of the club was changed to the Rotary Club of Deerfield - Northbrook from the time of WWII.

Eight charter members of the Rotary Club of Northbrook served as president of the Rotary Club Deerfield - Northbrook. They are (in order of service) Edward Carter, Thomas Adams, Dr. Norman Watson, Henry Bucher, Charles E. Blomgren, Robert Sickel, Lawrence H. Smith and Dr. Herbert E. Smith. 


The "fat and famous pig bank" was enriched with 25 cents each time a member's name appeared in the newspaper and by $1.00 for each birthday, new baby or other good news.


In 1952, the Rotary Club of Deerfield-Northbrook had 28 members. By 1965, there were enough members from each community to sustain separate clubs.  Joe Boyd of the Rotary Club of Deerfield is the only current member of that club who was also a member of the Rotary Club of Deerfield-Northbrook. Dr. Irwin Smith joined the club on March 22, 1953 and is the only member of the Rotary Club of Northbrook who was also a menber of the combined club.


The clubs still join together once a year for Coat Off Your Back - our annual clothing collection for the Christian Industrial League.


