"Combining Head & Heart For More Meaningful Care" is the mantra for CareSmart.
CareSmart Illinois gives education, training, and consultation on aging, dementia, and caregiving, primarily in Lake County. We were visited by Chris Damon, Gerontologist and Executive Director of the organization which is based in Wadsworth.
Ms. Damon focused on dementia in adults, with many statistics and anecdotes from Lake County. There are many forms and degrees of dementia in addition to Alzheimer's Disease. An insightful video from the UK, which is ahead of us in addressing personal, family, and community impacts, gave an indication of how a "dementia-friendly community" can benefit those facing dementia themselves or in their family or workplace. 
Some states and communities now have laws or structures in place to promote Dementia-friendly Communities. Ms. Damon and CareSmart urge education, consciousness-raising, increased public awareness, and support of those facing dementia, both as patients and as caregivers.
Chris Damon is at chris@caresmart.org, A comprehensive list of resources and services may be found at http://www.caresmart.org .