Perhaps because of the holidays, perhaps because it was a date long forgotten, but between Christmas and New Years our club passed a landmark. 
On December 27, 1927, we turned 90 - officially.  Sure, we'd been celebrating it all year long with recognizing our 90 year olds - Herb, you're still on our radar - but we've also started working on club biographies. A way to preserve some of the history,collecting the vibrant patchwork of personalities that makes this club so special.
In 2016, we lost four remarkable men. Mort Gross, Ted Less, Henry Lipson and Percy Prior. In fact, besides perfect attendance for fifty years, Percy had another distinguishing tie to the club. His father, also Percy Prior, was one of our founding members! I started the biography project because I never knew them, and neither did the other newer members. I started with the oldest members. Frank Schwermin, Francis Sheahen, Joe Lolli and Mike Mills.
What I discovered listening to these men tell of their childhood, their  families growing up then raised families of their own, was also finding their way in life, sometimes by chance and others by focusing in on a career. Two of these men fought in World War II, and all of them have lived full and blessed lives. Even more remarkable, is they are still with us and we can continue to learn from them.
This year, the biography project continues. Herb Loeb, that busy man and others are next on my radar. I hope they will be open to telling me (and us) their stories.
Happy 2018 Everyone!