The membership push is still a prime focus for this Rotary year.  It will be great to have the District Governor present when Randy is inducted, but each member will be encouraged to seek out new members.

Board Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2008


Present:  Peter Primason, Chuck Clow, Jim Franson, Mike Kukulski, Don Mobley, Betty Fallos, Lynne Reynolds

Peter called the meeting to order and the minutes of July 7 were approved.

Betty gave a verbal report of our financial status and will prepare a written report for distribution to members.

Jim reported that he was still trying to follow up with Tony Kambek for information on his Micro Finance initiatives, but he thought that he was currently out of town.  There is a possibility of a project in Northern Uganda to provide loans for a farmers coop.

Chuck reported that neither Don's nor John's Paul Harris contribution had been recognized by Rotary International, and that he would follow-up.  Peter volunteered to ask about it when the District Governor is attending our meeting on August 11.  The board decided to thank them for their contributions at the August 11 meeting even though the letters from Rotary International had not arrived.

Mike reported that he is keeping the web site going as best as he can, but needs help on the meeting days that he cannot attend due to work responsibilities.  Peter volunteered to communicate with Mike so that either Mike can enter the information, or Peter will put the current information on Club Runner.

Lynne reported that she had contacted Assistant District Governor, Mimi Makar, for information on the new member process.  She sent a form that is used to provide information to Rotary International.  A discussion ensued and it was decided that club shirts should be purchased for each new member until such a time that the numbers and cost becomes too great.  Betty also provided information that New Member Kits had been purchased, but no one knew where they were.  Lynne will follow-up and try to find them.  Board minutes are being written after each meeting.  A discussion was held about when to post them.  The board decided that they should be posted before they were approved to keep the club members informed.  Corrections can be sent if there are any errors in reporting.  Board members were encouraged to respond as quickly as possible with corrections.

Peter reported that Randy Cashmore would be inducted as a member at the August 11 meeting when the District Governor would be present.  No objections to Randy's acceptance into the club were heard during the 10 day period, in fact, many positive comments were made.  Peter also spoke to Roycealee Wood, the Lake County Superintendent of Schools, about making contact with schools in the district for representation in our club's membership.  He will continue to follow-up.

Sponsorships for the Golf Outing are coming in, but paid golfers have not.

Rotary signs were delivered to Larry Herzog, but those board members present were not aware of the status of installation of the signs around town.  Peter will check with Larry to see what the status is.

The membership push is still a prime focus for this Rotary year.  It will be great to have the District Governor present when Randy is inducted, but each member will be encouraged to seek out new members.

Waukegan is sponsoring another GSE Team from New Zealand.  The group will be present at the September 29 meeting.  The group consists mainly of teachers.  Lynne will arrange a visit to the University Center if asked.  We will ask Barb if she could arrange a tour of the College of Lake County if that is requested.  A discussion ensued of possible places to take the group and among the suggestions was a visit to see the Lippizaner horses.  Lynne will arrange for an educationally focused speaker for September 29 and will ask Mike to switch speaker responsibility dates with her since that is his day to provide a speaker.

Once Chuck had left the meeting, the remaining board members decided to make a $100.00 donation to the Grayslake Historical Society in Chuck's mother's name and present that to him at the August 11 meeting.

The meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Reynolds, Secretary