2017-2020 Strategic Plan

As was key with the initial plan, true strategic action is required – meaning that the club must be willing to identify and prioritize activities that are essential to its future, and have the discipline to focus its energies on advancing these activities over a sustained period.
Also essential is the continued willingness and commitment to change: Trying new ways of operating as a club in recognition that old models may no longer be effective – especially given the Club’s revitalized, diverse demography. With a truly multi-generational membership, flexibility and a variety of engagement methods is critical to member retention.
The overarching purpose of the Rotary Club of Evanston Strategic Plan for 2017 2020 is to maintain the club’s reinvigorated enthusiasm and ultimately – by 2020 [the club’s 100th birthday!] – significantly raise Evanstonians’ awareness and understanding of Rotary. With its refreshed and expanded core of members, the club will focus on expanding the value and impact of local hands-on service projects as well as fundraising and charitable activities; while continuing to expand its brand awareness and partnership with the business community.
These activities, advanced together, will keep raising the profile of the club and increase the likelihood of retaining the expanded “diverse community leaders” the club has worked so hard to attract – as well continue to attract yet more individuals who view membership in Rotary as a unique opportunity and advantage.
The club has identified 5 key goals, which will guide our efforts over the next three years. It is important to note that these goals impact each other and will advance much more effectively if they are viewed as a unified whole. While expanding the value and impact of our service projects is a top priority, for example, doing so will likely retain current members and attract more new ones.
Goal 1: Expand the value and impact of our hands-on service projects, while maintaining support for existing local scholarships and international projects.
Goal 2: Expand the value and impact of our fundraising and charitable-giving activities, building ties between local and international programs.
Goal 3: Improve our image and reputation in Evanston.
Goal 4: Increase our membership base, achieving a club size of at least 60 to 65 members.
Goal 5: Expand our role as a networking hub for Evanston community leaders.