Posted by LBS on Jun 28, 2019
Over 60 Rotarians and guests gathered to celebrate the conclusion of one Rotary year, and the start of a new year.   The highlight of the evening was the Installation of incoming president Ben Weaver and the new board. 
While the past year(s) have  brought many changes to our club, one tradition remains intact- ” the passing of the backscratcher.” 
Over 60 Rotarians and guests gathered to celebrate the conclusion of one Rotary year, and the start of a new year.   The highlight of the evening was the Installation of incoming president Ben Weaver and the new board. 
While the past year(s) have  brought many changes to our club, one tradition remains intact- ” the passing of the backscratcher.”  Following the path of the presidents that came before him,  Immediate Past President Jon handed President Ben the backscratcher and explaining that all of the past presidents “have his back” and will support him as he leads us through the coming Rotary year.
Installation Dinner photo album:  photoalbums/installation-dinner-20190627