On 8/24 Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator with Career Vision described her firm's aptitude testing and counseling programs; useful tools, she said, for making decisions about schools, majors and careers for any age group.  The company is a small, 30-year-old not-for-profit research and consulting organization. She described benefits of evaluation and planning, costs ($400 +/-), and the risks of inaction.  She also described the company's heritage and commitment.  Self knowledge and counseling bring together a person’s interests, values, personality and aptitudes to help individuals discern their paths in and out of school, explore life-long learning, and manage their careers.  For more comments, background, resources and her contact information, please click “more”.
Career Vision was started and funded by the Ball family (Burpee Seed and other brands--for background, click https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Ball_(American_businessman) ).  Mr. and Mrs. Ball wanted to give back some of the good fortune they had had.  They had met John O’Connor, developer of an aptitude test program for General Electric.   They decided to make the test available to the public via a foundation.  Their daughter, now the head of the company, has continued the support.
Why do people find it useful?  Georgia cited figures showing time, energy and resources can be saved, lives enriched.  1/3 of college students drop out or transfer after the 1st year, 1/3 graduate in 4 years, and 1/3 graduate in 6 or more years (with the accompanying greater debt, expense, departure of friends/connections.
Her contact information is Georgia Koch, Community Outreach Coordinator, Career Vision, 526 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137-5128 .  gkoch@careervision.org , www.careervision.org 
She also gave a selection of websites about choosing careers: