Posted by rpjr on May 03, 2018
…helps Ak’Tenamit, Guatemala and Rotarians!  Dr. Chris Wood and Dave Zuehlke described Rotary efforts at the boarding school, and the worthwhile outcomes there. Sstudents are mostly indigenous boys and girls who not only receive an education, but also practical, and vocational experience to help them and their communities be self-sufficient.  Interestingly, the efforts these days are often based on Mayan concept of group effort.  The projects and efforts there are setting an example for other areas in Guatemala and for other parts of South America. 
Rotarian activities have included help and training in construction, education, and medical treatment.  Paired with this effort is some touring and a deeper understanding of the area culture.  The Buffalo Grove Rotary Club has been doing projects there for approximately 10 years.  Other clubs as well as ours have participated in District service trips too.  Q & A after the trip’s slide presentation informed us that the Rotary efforts and projects have been refined over the years and have gotten more productive.  Ask Dave how this unexpectedly expanded his “bucket list”, Chris about the medical treatments and supplies given there, Ron Crawford about the river trip to the cite and how the programs have developed over the years, and ask any of them about vampire bats!
Congratulations and Thanks go to the several club Rotarians who have participated in the Guatemala work!  To see Thursday's wonderful PowerPoint presentation, look on this website.  To find out more about Ak' Tenamit, click here.