Club Member and Past District Governor Mike Yesner, was the Guest Speaker at our February 25, 2014 weekly Meeting.
Governor Mike presentation topic was about "Rotary HealthRays" A Rotary District 6440 Projects designed to install 29 digital x-ray machines in Guatemala at a cost of $100,000 each.  Two machines have already been installed and a third one is on the way. Already doctors at the clinic have seen patients come in the evening after work for treatment of illnesses and injuries, for which they previously would have postponed treatment in order not to miss time at work traveling to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. X-rays from the clinic can be read almost immediately by a radiologist at the central hospital and an evaluation made available to the clinic doctor to guide treatment.
The cost for these machines is being realized by utilizing a Rotary Foundation mechanism called "Global Grant" put together by Rotary District 6440 and other Rotary Clubs. This project is a forerunner that could be expanded to many other impoverished areas in the world.