Today was a business meeting where all the chairs of various committees gave their reports.  We sang a good "$10.00" version of Happy Birthday to Rotarian Lorrie Good.  Good round of Happy Bucks and fines.  Our Rotary Exchange Student Jennifer is back from her month long tour of Canada and looking forward to the BBQ on Wednesday to say Good-Bye before she returns to Taiwan.  Rotarian Angela Piercey gave a very personal and powerful message for her 3 minutes of Rotary.  She summarized a trip she had made with many fellow travel agents and they announced if any Rotarians were in the crowd to go outside and say the "4 way test" and share stories.  It was then that Angela felt the power of Rotary and knew she wanted to make a difference and work hard in our club.  Corvette tickets are going well at 910 sold but crucial that Elvis and Kempenfest get good weather so hoping for some personal sales to put us over the top.  The clock is in and Danielle reported that the town is working on building the platform.  Todd is looking for some help of the membership committee to meet with potential members to explain "what Rotary is".  Please contact directly.  First meeting with 2 Collingwood clubs and Rotaract will take place to plan Rotary Day on Monday July 28 at 8 a.m.  Please contact Sylvia if you want to be part of this planning. 2 years in Rotary for Angela Piercey and 1 year for Holly Haire - Congratulations.  50/50 draw was WON by Patrice McCammon.