Online Registration
Peterborough Kawartha
Delta Bingo
1019 Clonsilla Avenue
Peterborough, ON K9J 5Y2

To volunteer, please click the "Delta Bingo" button to volunteer for a date between January, 2018 and March, 2021.  If you have not yet logged-in, you will be taken to the volunteer page as soon as your log-in is completed.

Click the first date you will be available, type in your first name,and choose yourself.  The list should automatically populate.  If your information is incorrect, please correct it before clicking the "SAVE" button.

Repeat for each subsequent date you are available to volunteer to work a bingo.

REMEMBER: Wear to your "Blue" Rotary name tag.  The Delta Bingo hall is air conditioned.  Please wear business casual attire - dark business pants and white long sleeve collared shirt.  No shorts!  No Jeans of any color!  A variety of Rotary vest sizes are available on a hangar in the lunch room.

Only Bingo-trained club members are allowed to volunteer to work Bingo (your 2¼ hour commitment in a smoke-free, air conditioned environment often nets our club more than $240.00.)  If you have not yet completed the Delta Bingo training course, due to the many recent changes at Delta Bingo, if it has been more than one year since you have volunteered for a bingo, or if you have not yet been Gecko trained, please email Rino Andreoli so he can enroll you in the next no-cost-to-you Bingo training session or Gecko training session