Posted by Joe Ribera
Mother's Day Cards help fight Polio.
The sale of Mothers' Day Cards will continue through Tuesday April 21.  The cost of printing the cards is covered entirely by the district. All funds received from the sale of the card will be donated to The Rotary Foundation and applied to PolioPlus. 
The cost of each card cost is $10, and constitutes a donation to the Rotary Foundation. There is no limit to the number of cards you can order.
We are presently taking orders..  Payment may be by check made payable to the Rotary Foundation, cash, credit card or you can authorize the Club Treasurer to bill you. 
You can purchase cards for any mother you wish to honor, including sisters, daughters, nieces, etc, or you can elect to donate the cards to mothers at Cedar Crest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.With each payment the appropriate documentation will be submitted to RI so that your donation is reflected in your TRF account.
Donations made to TRF through the card program will be matched 2 for 1 by the Gates Foundation, up to $35 million this year. One $10 donation could become $30 towards PolioPlus.
Please place your orders at a meeting or by email to not later than April 21..
If you have any questions about PolioPlus, the cards or your TRF account please contact me.