Bill Richardson was pleased to be able to introduce three amazing students from St. T's who will be part of a contingent of 21 seniors and 3 teachers going to Kenya next spring.  The cost to each student will be about $4,000.00 and they are doing fundraising for that by selling wreaths and other efforts.  But they are also raising funds to buy supplies for those they are going to be with while there - school, medical, sports supplies and more.

Emily, Colin and Grace played a brief video introducing the Club to the rural part of Kenya they plan to visit and featuring kids there who were asking for support while they work to improve their lives.  They are not looking for charity but for a hand up.  The three say they see this trip as an opportunity to help and to learn about another country and its culture.  They will be associated with the Free the Children organization and will study social justice, the effect of colonialism and human rights issues at school before they go.  They will be living with Masai in rural villages.  They are asking for $5,000.00 from the club to help purchase the supplies they want to take.  They leave May 4th.