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Damien on Fisher
123 Fisher Street
Fullarton, Australia 5063
Member Only Meeting
No Speaker
Committees Night and AGM

This will be a member only meeting for committees to meet.  Committee chairs will contact members of their committee to advise a start time for their meeting.

During the course of the evening the Annual General Meeting will be held.

The Agenda will be:-

  1. Committee meetings commence at the time agreed by the Director and members of the committee.  .  Meetings to be held in the main room at assigned tables,
  2. At 7.15 President Nathan will open the meeting.  Everyone will have dinner as normal, allowing 20 minutes to have dinner served and eaten.
  3. At 7.35 the AGM is held, led by Secretary Greg McLeod.
  4. At 7.45 Jerry will provide a Treasurer’s update.
  5. At 7.55 we have President’s notices, spots and close the meeting as normal, concluding at 8pm