Saturday was the last Farmer's Market of the season...and it was a great season. Thank you Jim Darwiche for all of your hard work organizing this great community get together!

Rotarian Mike Daus announced that he and his wife will be having TWINS. Congratulations, and welcome to a brand new world!

There will be a talk on the Power of Positive Parenting given by Dr. Karen Latham at the high school on September 30 at 7pm.

Rotarian Dan Buchan has a photo hanging on display at the Jackson Hole Book Trader...go browse books and check it out!

Teton Literacy Center, formerly known as Teton Literacy Program, is starting a new series of classes in English and Spanish for individuals and businesses. If you would like to take a class, or offer a class to your employees, call them at 733-9242...

Rotarian and Sergeant at Arms April Hankey has left the Chamber of Commerce and now works at Friends of Pathways...