Your local Gravenhurst Rotary Club annually supports a myriad of worthwhile causes.
IN THE COMMUNITY: we quietly help families in need both physically and financially to help them get over a rough time. We support community building assets like our Gravenhurst Community Centre, Rotary Gull Lake Park and a host of other assets and services that benefit our community. We help through our Endowment Fund by providing students attending accredited post secondary college and university schools that would have no other way to pay their tuition. We help our local hospitals financially to allow them to function more efficiently.
INTERNATIONALLY: we are instrumental in helping wipe out Polio over the entire world, provide bicycles to students in developing 3rd world countries that otherwise would not have a hope of an education, provide temporary shelters, food and fresh water to those recovering from natural disasters.
HOW WE DO THIS: is by putting on fundraising events such as our TV bingo, Online auction and other events throughout the year. We also accept donations from the public to help us make our community and world a better place in which to live.
WE EVEN LET YOU DECIDE: when you donate here online, the donation form below will allow you to select the Option that you would like to see your dollars count!
Our donation form includes FIVE different designated funds (please choose from the dropdown list) where you can direct your donation.
Option 1 - Rotary Bursary Fund
Established in 2009 the Rotary Club of Gravenhurst Bursary Endowment Fund has been helping students in Gravenhurst attend post secondary school through a variety of stand alone bursaries setup through personal donations to our Bursary Endowment Fund. More details can be found on the dedicated website.
Option 2 - Gravenhurst Rotary Club General Donation
This will direct your funds into our Club that can be used for various projects we are involved with that include donations in the community. This donation provides maximum flexibility for your funds and can be used on many different projects
Option 3 - Rotary Youth Mental Health Fund
With thanks to a significant donation we have established the Rotary youth mental health fund. Our fund is used to assist Gravenhurst youth ages 5 to 29 who need mental health assistance as recommended by local advocates. We help to cover costs for therapy sessions and have seen successful outcomes. More need is apparent and this fund seeks more donors.
Option 4 - Rotary Wheels for Learning Donation
This is a tremendous International project that began over 10 years ago and has resulted in over 11,300 bikes donated to help children in Cambodia travel to school. It has expanded to include donations of food, hygiene products and other supplies as well as projects to build and maintain community resources such as wells, washrooms and playgrounds. Checkout the Facebook site here.
Option 5 - Rotary Online Auction
Our annual fundraising auction which has been going on for over 30 years and has now gone exclusively online. The website can be found at