Happy Bucks - we are sad to see Jack Young take off south but he put in a loonie to express his extreme sadness at his pending departure.    He works very hard at maintaining the books at the front desk during meetings however he has worked hard to get good quality help while he is away.  Thanks Jack and enjoy Florida.   Terry Pilger was understandably excited at his first foray into life a a Grandpa which means he is now in the majority of the Club I would think :-)  Congrats.  Tawyna announced the Christmas party is arranged for December 15th at the Centennial Centre and it will be $ 22 per adult and $ 10 per child and the food is catered from Well Fed. 
Speaker Notes - It was an excellent presentation from Cathy Tait of the Muskoka Steamships who was joined by Jordan Waynes.   It was a little slower year no doubt because of weather issues and it is tough to pack in everything into about 145 days of sailing.   They still had about 40-45,000 per year come aboard and another 20,000 visits to the aptly named Visitor Centre.    Cathy had numerous interesting factoids about the steamship and some of the very interesting ones included the fact that 183 tons of coal are used per year.    Since 1981 there has been approx 1.577 million dollars spent on obtaining the coal which is sourced out of the US.   They really do an incredible job at trying to cater to various visitors as they have their standard cruises that have been mainstays for years ie. Millionaire's Row Cruise and Dinner cruises - but that have added a wide variety of themed events including Pirate Days for the kids,  re-creation of the 100 mile cruise but a host of other cruises.   Take a surf over to www.realmuskoka.com and get an idea of just what they are doing.  Some wonderful gift ideas and such an incredible asset to have here in Gravenhurst.   Special thanks to both Cathy and Jordan for sharing their information.