Everything you need to know about the Four Way Test Speech Contest is Here!
The Rotary Club of Coppell Four Way Test Speech Contest
Saturday, March 29 from 10 am to 1 pm
THE CORE, 234 Parkway Blvd., Coppell, TX
Meeting Room B
Deadline to register is March 15. Register now! Registration is limited to the first 20.
1. What is the Rotary Four Way Test speech contest for high school students?
Students give a 5-7 minute speech that illustrates the Four Way Test of Rotary International and how it applies to their lives, activities, goals, and/or interests. The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do is: (1) Is it the TRUTH? (2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? (3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? (4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The purpose of the speech is to apply the principles of Rotary International’s 4 Way Test to a current ethical issue. Students are challenged to identify a topic they feel passionate about and to adopt a point of view from which they will seek to persuade others. It should be something from the speaker’s personal experience or general knowledge. There are no restrictions regarding the choice of topic as long as it is not blatantly offensive.

Each part of the Four-Way Test should be addressed during the speech. They should be specifically stated, as the intent of the speech is to use the 4 Way Test to resolve an issue. Each part could be used to prove either a positive or negative point. 
The winner will go on to compete in the District Contest on April 19th.   

2. Why should you participate?

In our world today, we talk a lot about ethics, yet little time is spent applying them in a thoughtful, considered way. The more opportunities we take to do this, the easier and better our decisions become. This is an opportunity that allows you to critically examine ethical principles and analytically and systematically apply them during a critical transitional time in your life.  You will gain confidence and poise, and have the opportunity to win serious scholarship money.

3. Who can participate?

Coppell High School, New Tech, Private School, homeschoolers or residents who attend schools outside of Coppell. You must be a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. You must be a resident of Coppell.

4. How are you judged?

No essay is required.  Contestants’ speeches will be scored 50% on Content (this includes 20% of the total score addressing the specific points of the Four Way Test), 30% on Organization, and 20% on Delivery. The speech must address each of the Four Way Test questions in a way that relates to the life of someone 14-18 years old. The speech must be original work, and not previously used in a UIL (or other) competition. Note cards are allowed. Speech can not be read. FYI: To maximize a your chance to score well, it is advisable to not use note cards. Other than one instance at the Area & District competitions, I have seen none of the top three students use note cards. Most students at District did not use note cards.

5. Who judges?

A panel of members of the Coppell Rotary Club will judge the students at the Club competition on March 29, 2025. Rotary members from various Rotary Clubs will judge at the Area and District competitions. The judges will not be told what school a student is from or the students’ names before they score the speeches. 
6. What is the deadline to sign up for this competition, and how do I sign up?

Registration is limited to the FIRST 20 who register. Registration deadline is March 15, 2025.  Fill out the registration form at https://form.jotform.com/240284072483152   There is no registration fee.

If you win, you must be able to compete in the District Contest on April 19th, 2025. Check in is at 8:45 am located at the North Dallas Performing Arts Center in Plano, TX.

7. What is Rotary International?

Rotary is a service organization that works to make the world the best place it can be. It does so by completing service projects all over the world and by investing in our youth. Rotary, for example, has been instrumental in almost eliminating polio from the globe, and is working hard to achieve that noble objective.  

8. How do I get more information about the competition?

Contact Suzy Cravens at  rotaryofcoppell@gmail.com