The RI Board's statement on family . . .

The Board, recognizing that

 the family, which is the basic unit of society in the community, is struggling with a host of complex social and economic problems that are attacking its structure;
 in many parts of the world, this breakdown of the traditional structure is, in turn, threatening the fabric of community life;
 Rotary's longtime commitment to Community Service makes it imperative for Rotarians to actively address the crisis in the family today.

[The Board] encourages Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and districts worldwide to:

a) bring their power to bear through existing programs on the most formidable problems facing families today, including but not limited to domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, gang activities, child-care needs, and underemployment;
b) instill the importance of universal human values in the homes, schools, and communities of the world;
c) continue current projects and undertake new ones that strengthen the family structure and make it a secure anchor for the larger community;
d) demonstrate their commitment to family and community through projects, activities, and events in celebration of Family Month each year.

(Statement formulated, 1995; edited here for correctness of punctuation and syntax.)



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