At the Welcome BBQ Helena prepared a special tea for us called Terere.
Brazilian Tea
Helena makes the Terere using very cold water with lime juice and the key ingredient is "mate"!
Tereré or Tererê  is an infusion of yerba mate (botanical name Ilex paraguariensis), similar to mate but prepared with cold water and ice.
However, she will be offended if we don't follow their drinking custom with family and friends. Use same metal straw (it has strainer on bottom so don't pull it up) ! 
  • The host is the first one to take a drink of 
  • Do not try to remove the bomba. This metal straw can not be removed. If it is removed or dislodged you will need a piece of wire to unblock its 
  • You have to drink it all, you will know when it is finished as it will make a wheezing noise when you suck on the straw
  • If there are more than 2 people drinking it, it is important to remember to pass the drink round in a circle. For example, if there are three people the last one who drank it must give it back to the first one who drank it!
So now you know, curtesy of the Internet! 😎


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