Terry Fox Hometown Run is Sunday, Sept. 18th

No Corporate Sponsorships are accepted. There are no mandatory fees for the run. No minimum donations are asked for or required of any runners. It was Terry's dream that everyone should participate and have fun. The Foundation essentially runs on voluntary help. There are only 32 paid staff throughout Canada. Over 87 cents on the dollar goes to cancer research. 3 cents are spent on administrative costs of the Foundation, and 10 cents goes to fund raising.


Everyone connected to the Run is a volunteer - across Canada. There are hundreds of runs around the World. The second largest run outside of Canada is in Cuba with over 2,000,000 participants running for cancer research. Terry wanted to "Make a difference". He certainly succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. In Canada, there were also over 1,000 head shave which raised substantial funds for the Foundation. ! See you there!!!!