James LaMantia, owner of LaMantia Gallery, has been named Chairman of Gift of Life, the Rotary group that provides life-saving heart surgery for needy children from around the world. The October 5, 2017 Observer article follows: |
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See below story of the 8th Annual Soles4Souls Shoe drive conducted by the Northport and East Northport Rotaries during March 2017 published in The Observer April 6, 2017: ![]() ![]() Groups contributing to this year’s drive included: Gold's Gym, Northport High School Interact, Northport Middle School, Asharoken Village Hall, First National Bank of Long Island (Rte. 25A and Main St), Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Centerport United Methodist, St. Paul's Lutheran, Christ Lutheran Church, Norwood Avenue School, Ocean Avenue School, East Northport Middle School, Bellerose Elementary School, Dickenson Avenue School, Harborfields High School, Suigetsu Dojo, Roslyn Savings Bank (East Northport), Kathy's Jewelry Repair, Northsport, Northport and East Northport Libraries, Northport Village Hall, Northport Fire Department, East Northport Fire Dept., Greater Long Island Running Club, Northport Running Club, Signature Properties, Coach Realty, Eastern Athletic Club, Visiting Nurse Service, Ty Lilli Dry Cleaners, Energy Fitness Gym, Bottle Bargains, Techniques Salon, Copenhagen Bakery, East Northport Rotary, American Properties, Temple Beth David, Congregational Church of Huntington, St. Philip Neri, William Brosnan School, Pulaski Schoo (Boy Scout Troop 52)l, Love of Learning Montessori Schools, Trinity Regional, St. Anthony’s, LaMantia Gallery, Forever Fit, Garvey Properties (Babylon), Underwriters Laboratories, Complete Business Services, Westy’s Storage (Jericho), Health Source Chiropractic, Harbor View Salon, Kings Park High School Interact, Union Methodist Church, Evangelical Covenant Church, Lahey Elementary, Wally Shivers – Hibernians, Prudential (Melville), Peoples Bank Huntington, Power-of-One Gym, Self Service Laundromat (Laurel), Harborfields Middle School, Chris Reimels Allstate, Centereach Boy Scout Troop 3072, Rockville Center School, Washington St. School. |
See Patch article below:
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Northport Rotary Club and East Northport Rotary Club teamed up, under the direction of Anita and Bill Thomas, to collect 20,000 pairs of shoes in March, 2016 for Soles4Souls, a worldwide distributor of new and used shoes to areas of poverty and disaster. This 7th annual drive far exceeded prior year totals, aided particularly by kids in school, scout and other groups. As Anita Thomas noted: "It was really a heartwarming experience. Everybody just came together, it was so wonderful." Area churches, businesses, running groups and others pitched in.
Northport Rotary President Teri George was awarded Third Runner Up at the Ms. New York Senior America Pageant at Hofstra University April 3rd. Strutting her stuff with a dazzling performance of "All that Jazz" Teri was overjoyed with the result on her first participation in the event. See attached pre-event Observer article.
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Don't let your orphan shoes end up in a land fill. Clear your closets and allow someone without shoes to get the remaining wear out of them. Northport and East Northport Rotaries are having their 7th Annual Soles4Souls Shoe Drive March 1-31. See List of Locations below. Boxes will be available at Northport-East Northport schools,Gold's Gym, Northport Fire Department, Northport Police Department, Northport Highway Department, Asharoken Village Hall, First National Bank of L.I., First Presbyterian Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Evangelical Covent Church, Harborfields High School, Juigetsu Dojo, Laffey Real Estate Office (Northport), Forever Fit, Roslyn Savings Bank (E Npt), People's United Bank (Huntington), Kathy's Jewelry Repari, NorthSport, VNS & Hospice of Suffolk, Northport Library, NorthSport, Greater LI Running Club, Northport Running Club, Eastern Athletic Club, Deer Park High School, St. Philip Neri RCC, Christ Lutheran Church, Centerport United Methodist Church, Huntington Hibernians . . . more to come.
Northport Rotarian Anita Thomas and husband, Bill, organized the Sixth Annual Soles4Souls Shoe Drive during March 2015. On April 1 600 bags of shoes were loaded onto a truck headed for distribution around the world. See Observer story below for details.
Dan and Tsedy Finnegan, with matching funds from Northport Rotary and others, presented a check for $12,000 to the Ecumenical Council Food Pantry.
James LaMantia was sworn in for his second term as President. Outgoing President John Ross was presented with a gold gavel appreciation for his year of service. See Observer story below. |
A team from Rotary District 7255 (Suffolk, Nassau, Brooklyn, Queens) visited Haiti April 4-13, 2014 to conduct medical/dental clinics and work on other community projects in Anse-a-Galets and Nan Sema on the large islland of La Gonave. The team was led by Past District Governor George Solomon (his 25th trip) and included Northport Rotary Past President Andy Giffin. An account of the trip below, titled "La Gonave Remembered," tells the story. |
Ann Stevens, pianist, teacher and active Northport Rotarian, was honored by the Young Leaders of Huntington at their awards dinner at Crestwood Manor on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. See details below: |
Got Shoes? Oh Yes! 15,000 pairs were loaded into a semi-trailer on April 1 bound for needy feet around the world. Thanks to all who contributed and picked up shoes. And thanks to Rotarian Anita Thomas and husband, Bill, who carried the message throughout the community.
Northport Rotary's 7th Annual Winter Soiree was held at the Northport Yacht Club March 15, 2014. Broadway and Engemann Theater star, Rob Gallagher, provided the entertainment, accompanied by Rotarian Ann Stevens, with a variety of Irish and show tunes. Northport's Music Man, Robert Krueger, was honored for his many contributions to music education and performance in Northport schools and the community. Proceeds, a record $15,000, go to the Visiting Nurse Service and Hospice of Suffolk. |
Northport Rotary's winter fund raising event to benefit Visiting Nurse Service & Hospice of Suffolk at the Northport Yacht Club on Saturday, March 15, 2014 is sold out. The event will feature Broadway star, Rob Gallagher. Gallagher recently completed leading roles in the John W. Engeman Theater and Broadway productions of "South Pacific" and will be accompanyed by Rotarian Ann Stevens. Guests will be treated to a lavish buffet of international hors d'oeuvres and Irish delicacies, along with gourmet desserts compliments of Copenhagen Bakery. |
Northport and East Northport Rotary kick off their 5th Annual Soles4Souls shoe drive March 1st, running through March 31st. 30 drop locations will be announced soon. The goal is to collect 20,000 pairs of shoes. 12,000 were collected in 2013. See details in the February 6, 2014 Observer article below. New and wearable used shoes of all types and for all ages are sought. Begin collecting now. |
James LaMantia accompanied a French surgical team and nurses from New York and Los Angeles to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to observe life-saving heart surgeries on poor Haitian children. He observed the screening process, surgical procedures in the operating room, and worked with kids pre-operation and post-operation. The local Gift of Life Board of Directors are held a gala fundraiser to Flowerfield in St. James, Thursday, November 21, 2014. See details in The Observer article in the November 14, 2013 issue below. |
Northport Rotary displayed flags in the Village May 24 to July 19 in tribute to our veterans and in honor of Petty Officer Third Class Nate Bruckenthal who died in Iraq in 2004. SeeThe Times of Northport and East Northport article below. |
10,000 Shoes!!! Thanks to Anita and Bill Thomas for a non-stop effort to get the word out (Anita) and gather the shoes (Bill). And, thanks to all of you for your efforts to find all those shoes and keep the drop-off points full. By April 4th they filled a storage unit and were loaded onto a semi-trailer for transport to Soles for Souls Tennessee distribution center. Although not meeting the 20,000 goal, this effort tripled last year's collection. |
The Northport Rotary Club honored Jim Mahoney at its Winter Soiree on March 8, 2013. Mahoney served for four decades with the Northport Volunteer Fire Department and organized many community and American Legion activities. See Observer article below from the March 14, 2013 issue:
Rotarian Jean Snyder was honored with the Rotary founder's Paul Harris Fellow award at Rotary District 7260's Women in Rotary 25th Anniversary Year Celebration on Sunday, March 10, 2013 at the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip, New York. Past District Governor Arnold Quaranta announced the award saying: " Jean Snyder has the distinction of being one of the first women inducted nationwide into Rotary, the second in Northport Rotary, in 1988. She became the club's first woman president in 1993-94. Jean has long been chair of one of Northport's major fund raising events, the June golf outing, adding her own considerable golfing skills. She continues to be very active in support of all club activities." Pictured below from left to right are Past District Governor Arnie Quaranta, current District Governor Cornelia Gevinski, Jean Snyder and Carolyn Jones, keynote speaker and the first woman appointed as Trustee of Rotary international's Rotary Foundation. |
The Northport and East Northport Rotary Clubs combined efforts to raise money and collect household items to aid homeless vets as they find housing; See article from The Observer (March 7, 2013, Pp 1 & 14)
On December 12, 2012 Northport Rotary had its regular Wednesday noon meeting at St. Catherine of Sienna Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center with resident Harold Howe, a 48 year member of the club. Stories abounded of Harold's many contributions to the club, both in community service and in humor. See Observer photo below.
Northport Rotary presented its Evening of Wine and Fare at Oheka Castle August 9th drawing over 400 guests and featuring over 150 wines and spirits and food from over 20 local restaurants. Over 50 raffle baskets and silent auction items were offered. All proceeds go to the charities supported by Northport Rotary, including local organizations and families in need, youth programs, international projects and a growing program of services to our veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
In The Observer (July 26, 2012, pp.7,15), Elise Perlman previewed Northport Rotary's upcoming "An Evening of Wine and Fare at Oheka Castle" August 9, 2012. (Photo by Alan Perlman.) In addition to over 100 wine selections and food from local restaurants - a sampling of worldwide wines and cuisine - there will be music and raffles throughout the castle. Full article attached.
Northport has placed flags at the Northport Village Hall, Firehouse and Village Park to honor our veterans, this year dedicated to the late Northport Fire Chief Bob Howard. A dedication ceremony was held on Flag Day, June 14, 2012. The flags will stay up until July 5th. Flags may be purchased by sending a check with the coupon in the Observer article or on flyers in Village Hall, or by contributing on this webpage by clicking on the flag event in upper right corner of the home page. All proceeds go to Northport Rotary projects for veterans.
Northport Rotary's Winter Soiree at Jellyfish Restaurant in Centerport raised $10,000 for the Visiting Nurse Service & Hospice of Suffolk
The Observer chronicles Anita and Bill Thomas' second annual Soles4Souls shoe drive at Gold's Gym and elsewhere wth help from Anita's fellow Nothport Rotarians.
Rotary Intenational writer Ryan Hylan recounts the story of how superglue played a critical role in delicate facial surgery in remote Nan Sema, Haiti, during a 2011 Rotary trip that included two Nothport Rotarians.
In February 2011, Pete Engelmann and Andy Giffin joined others from District 7260 and 7250 to travel to Nan Sema, Haiti, a remote village on the island of La Gonave to intall a solar system, replace a water pump and provide medical services.
Northport and East Northport Rotarians prepared soup and sandwiches and collected winter clothes for homeless people in Manhattan, delivered January 6, 2012.
Nortport Rotary will hold its 5th annual Winter Soiree at the Jellyfish Restaurant in Centerport on Saturday, February 25, 2012..
Northport Rotary members and family, led by Pete Engelmann, put on a BBQ with hamburgers, hot dogs, turkey burgers and clams, along with various side dishes provided by Rotarians and Visiting Nurse Service and Hospice of Suffolk staff. In attendance were over 200 wounded warriors, their families and volunteers. The Saturday lunch followed a series of Cow Harbor Wounded Warriors Weekend events, including a parade and dinner at the Northport Volunteer Fire Department Friday night and a 10k Run, a "Birdies for the Brave" golf tournament at the VA, a "Fishing for Freedom" tournament and beach activities for kids at the Steers Beach site of the lunch. An evening clam bake at Crab Meadow Beach completed the day. See photos by Alan Pearlman in the Photo Gallery.