Awards of Distinction
Presidential Citation Award
Club President, Dick Stuckey, positioned his club to be a candidate for RI Presidential Citation Award by adopting the 10 goals set by RI President John Germ before he even took office.  With his leadership, he guided his club through the various goals then placed them on for everyone to see.  Great Job President Dick!
District Foundation Award
Club Foundation Chair, Jim Dowler, is passionate about changing the world through International Projects.  He has led the efforts on two Global Grants in the category of Health.  One in Hungry and the other in Kenya.  He has several other international projects in the works.  In the words of PDG George Wheeler "the district has not had someone as dynamic and committed to Global Grants at the club level for some time now ... hence Jim is very deserving of this award."
District Rotarian of the Year Award
Assistant Governor, Bob Murray, is committed to growing Rotary's membership at the club level.  "If we can keep our existing members, add new members and add new clubs we can & we will help strengthen Rotary's core group, the members."  Bob is also committed to using the digital tools available to all Rotarians to stay current with everything Rotary.  DG Danny has entrusted the District Website & District Newsletter to Bob which he considers a great honor and responsibility."