Nine local Rotarians  and Guest Rotarian Mike Donnelly from the RC of Central Grand Cayman, Ian McDowell, Olivia Moore and Christian Leliveld attended the meeting.  Jim Jakes was our Guest Speaker.
The Cruisers Car Club is interested in working with us for a July event they are planning including a barbecue that Rotary would host for them.  We are interested but requested further details.
Speaker:  Bob Aykroyd introduced Jim Jakes who spoke to us about Air Traffic Control.  He worked for 31 years as an ATC in the Toronto area.  In 1996, air traffic control became a private non-profit company called "Nav Canada" and is no longer government controlled.  Jim worked for Air Canada with their Operations Control.
He explained the differences between VFR and IFR rules and told us that the newer system is FMS (flight management system) to locate the most favorable or efficient route to promote fuel efficiency.  Once away from high traffic centres, commercial aircraft can navigate independantly.  The newest improvements are the GPS system  to permit more accuracy and less separation.  The newest system coming on stream is the ADS/B system to permit aircraft to relate their position to satellites with great accuracy.  There are 8 control centres across Canada.
Jack Parker thanked Jim for a most interesting presentation.  Our club will donate 25 Polio vaccines in Jim's honor in appreciation of his presentation to us.
Next Week Jim Donaldson will tell us about the Battle of Vimy Ridge.