January 18th - Kim Byers 
January 25th - Gregg Lynes
Rotarian of the Day 
January 18th - Tom Downs (don't forget our Winter get together 6 pm)
January 25th - Committees
Our Sergeant at Arms was Steve Hall, who tested our knowledge on Iowa trivia.
Our Rotarian of the Day was Steve Mather who introduced Dr. Bob Bender who talked to us about Alzheimer's disease and  prevention measures. Dr. Bender continues to be focused on how we can reverse the effects of Alzheimer's and prevent some of the effects.   
This week our Sergeant at Arms will be Kim Byers and Tom Downs will be our Rotarian of the Day and will be introducing a Major League Umpire to talk to our club.
Also, don't forget our winter get together January 18th at 6 pm at Toad Valley Golf Course for supper.   
Yours in Service,
Paul Cornelius