"Rotarian of the Year" committee consists of the 4 most recent past presidents.
  1. An active Rotarian with a good attendance record.
  2. Actively invites guests and gets new members.
  3. Active on committees and Rotary projects.
  4. Is the image of “Mr., Miss, Ms. or Mrs.” Rotarian.
  5. At meetings and events should mingle and talk to all attending and make others feel welcome.
  6. Active in outside service in the District and Rotary International.
  7. Cannot earn title during the year served as president.  Could the next year.
  8. Repeat only after a 10 year period.
  9. Committee meets in May and selects and forwards suggested name to President by the first of June.
  10. Winner’s engraved plate will be placed on the wall displayed in the meeting room.
2010-11 - Jeanne Klaassen
2011-12 - Bob Ulrich
2012-13 - Jerry Davis