Posted on Aug 08, 2018

Rotary Board Meeting August 8, 2018


Present: Phil, Bob, Nick, Chris, Adam also present LeeAnn Taylor


  1. Treasurer report: Club account balance $23,249.95 and Foundation balance $5,293.58.
  2. Cassidy Christensen requested funding for the annual Kuemper trip to Central America. We contributed $500 to Kuemper’s students last year not to any one student so we will contact Mike McCarty to see if that is what we should do or consider a contribution to Cassidy. Phil will talk to Mike.
  3. Michelle Gutschall will take on the Coat project this year and the annual Rotary float in the Band Day parade. 
  4. Potential new member was discussed, Phil gave him a form and offered to take him to the next meeting. Tabled any action at this time.
  5. Congregate Meals has requested $598.78 for salaries as in past years. The board would like an annual report or better yet a speech about Congregate Meals update by Gary. Phil will let Gary know. Motion by Adam second by Bob to approve the payment. Passed.
  6. Bob requested $50 for the Hospice tournament entry fee. Motion by Chris second by Phil to approve. Passed.
  7. Bob will contact New Way about the annual back pack funding request. We have not heard anything from them. No action at this time.

Phil Phillips, Secretary


Vets Dinner update meeting immediately after the Board meeting.

Menu was discussed and this was approved. We approved the $13.95 (per person) menu with these choices: Fettucine Chicken and Marinated pork chop. Wild Rice and Garlic mashed potatoes; lettuce salad and cole slaw; green bean casserole. No appetizers and no desert.

Adam will head up a committee to talk to the Winery about the menu and these other items: 1) we want tables on both sides and expect 250 guests. Put our podium on the stage on the east side, set up TV in the west side so people can see the speaker from their table.

Chris will prepare a letter to all Chamber members (450+ letters). We need help putting those letters together so we will meet at 4:00 pm in Chris’s office (7th Street—by PO) on August 16th. Please plan to help should only take about an hour.

We want to personally contact all donors from last year the first week of September (after the letters go out). Nick will bring this up at a Monday lunch.

KHS principal Pete Haefs has 2 students who can sing the anthem at the dinner. Nick will f/u to make sure this is arranged.

Next meeting September 5 at 7 am at QBeans. Motion to move the Board meeting to the same date/time. Passed.