Rotary's Annual 4-Way Test Speech Contest
The Rotary Club of Bow conducts an annual public speaking contest to challenge high school students to develop their public-speaking skills and to explore how they make decisions that affect other people. The basis of the contest is Rotary’s “Four-Way Test,” a tool to encourage ethical decision making. Bow Rotary awards cash prizes to the top three speakers and sends the winner on to complete against winners from other clubs in our district, which includes much of southern New Hampshire and Vermont.
Eligibility - Our Four-Way Test Speech Contest is for local high school students who either attend Bow
High School or who are Bow or Dunbarton resident students who attended other schools or are homeschooled.
High School or who are Bow or Dunbarton resident students who attended other schools or are homeschooled.
Bow High School tuition students from other towns are also welcome.
March 10th, 3:00 pm: Application deadline. Download the application here.
Email your completed application to: catherine.minihan@gmail.com
Email your completed application to: catherine.minihan@gmail.com
March 19th, 6:30 pm: Bow's contest will be held live at the Baker Free Library. (Speakers arrive by 6:00pm) The First-Place speaker from Bow will go on to the District Semi-Finals.
(If the winner cannot participate, the 2nd place winner will represent Bow at the semifinals.)
March 21st, 7:45 am: Top three place winners will present their speeches to the Bow Rotary Club.
April 6th, 1:00 pm: District semifinals contest at the Henniker Community Center, located at 57 Main Street Henniker. (Contestants must sign in by 12:30 PM.)
April 26, (Location TBD): The top four speakers from the semifinals will go on to the Rotary District finals.
The Rotary Four-Way Test: Of the things we think, do or say:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Rules for the speech:
- Subject: The speech must be original in content and apply the Rotary Four-Way Test
(ALL FOUR QUESTIONS) to decisions about our everyday relationships with other people. The best speeches are personal. - Delivery: the speech may be given from memory, it should not be read, though adequate notes are acceptable
- Speakers may not use: background props, music, or assistants.
- Length: the speech shall be no less than five (5) nor more than seven (7) minutes in length or it is automatically disqualified.
Prizes: Bow Rotary Club: 1st prize: $500, 2nd prize: $300, 3rd prize: $200
Rotary District 1st Prize: $650 Three runners up: $350 each.
Rotary District 1st Prize: $650 Three runners up: $350 each.
Note to Speakers: Contest participants are expected to present their speeches live at the Baker FreeLibrary. Parents and family members may attend in person. There will be a live panel of judges and informational Rotary speakers during the judges’ deliberations between each speaker.