A round of applause!! 👏👏 Hip Hip Horaaaaay!🎉🤗

Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your passion to give back.

On 31st August, 2022, Assistant Governor Ryan Geluk and President Gavin Dooley inducted prospective members Osmond Brown and Kadian Farquharson. Mr. Brown and Ms. Farquharson were pinned by their sponsors Rotarian Calnise Phillip and Rotarian Mike Bogans, respectively and handed them their membership cards and certificates.

On this momentous occasion, District Governor Deborah Howell gave congratulatory remarks and extended a virtual right hand of welcome to the inductees.

Congratulations to the new members, we look forward to not only sharing Rotarian friendship but also working with you.

We are happy to have you as members of the Rotary Club of Road Town but the Rotary Organization is even happier to have a you as a Rotarian.

Let us welcome them to the Rotary Family!

#RotaryClubRoadTown #PeopleOfAction #District7020 #ServiceAboveSelf #NewRotarian #MembershipandNewClubDevelopmentMonth #RotaryResponds #ImagineRotary