President Kadian Johnson of the Interact Club of Road Town and her members conducted our meeting on Wednesday 6th  November as part of the activities of World Interact week.In all  8  Interactors attended our meeting that night. In her remarks, Pres. Kadian gave a brief overview of the activities that the Club had planned for the week, which included attending the Friendship day in St. Thomas, as well as conducting Rotaract’s meeting on the coming Friday, Interact/Rotaract Board training as well as a Church service at the Transformational Church International at East End. She also mentioned other activities planned for the coming weeks, including a car wash at Coreas in Purcell on Saturday 16th November and face painting at Christmas on Main Street. SAA Danielle closed the meeting with a number of original and intuitive fines which raised some club funds for Interact. Well done Interactors!
