Sea Island Rotary Committee Goals 2021-2022
Education Committee Goals 2021-2022 (Joe Mantua)
1.  Organize a working committee that meets at least 4 times during the year. 
2.  Re-establish the following programs:  Rotary Reader, The Little Free Library, Interact at Battery Creek High School, School Uniforms and the Scholarship Program.
3.  Streamline and Revise the High School Scholarship Program to attract more applicants and promote ease of applying.
  • Organize an active Public Image Committee with specific interests & pursuits for each member.
  • Maintain and utilize attractive and up-to-date Website and Social Media Sites
  • Broaden the reach in local responsive media to promote Sea Island Rotary Club
  • Expand effectiveness of Press Releases that Local Journalists Publish to improve community and member awareness
Sea Island Rotary Club Service Committee Goals (Carson Bruce)
  1. Engage Club Service Committee members actively in the business of the committee
  2. Increase participation in club socials
  3. Provide engaging, inspiring, and informative club programs for each meeting 
Community Services Committee goals for 2021-22 Sea Island Rotary Club (Bob Ellis)
  1. Improve club member participation for each of the committees under the Community Services Committee umbrella. Community Services chair and subcommittee chairs will recruit members not currently participating.
  2. As Community Services chair, ensure that each subcommittee meets as needed in a timely fashion and receives guidance and any needed aid/resources from the Community Services chair.
  3. Ensure that each subcommittee has a representative able and ready to report about that subcommittee’s progress to the general membership.
  4. Include Public Image/Public Relations Committee representative at each meeting held under the umbrella of the Community Services Committee.
  5. Document the Community Services Committee and its subcommittees’ duties, procedures, policies, resources, contacts, etc. and upload to the district website. This will provide for smoother future transitions in leadership for each committee.
  6. Work with the Fundraising Committee to coordinate/facilitate/increase fundraising with the Shrimp Race, Biathlon and Golf Tournament.
  7. Coordinate a reciprocal service project with Battery Creek Interact.
The 2021-2022 Fundraising Committee (Anna Graham)
  1. Create a guide/procedure to assist subcommittees (Shrimp Race, Biathlon and Golf Tournament) to better implement strategies for ensuring that we help the Board carry out its due diligence function of ensuring the fiscal health of the club through fundraising. In doing so, we will work to build a culture of enthusiasm for fundraising throughout our club.
  2. Work hand in hand with Public Image Committee with all pertinent information that may be used for any social or print media.
Vocational Services Committee (Andy Borgert) Goals 2021-2022
1. Award three-pronged Ethics in Business awards... local business, local non-profit, public service employee (PD, FD, EMS, etc.)
2. Schedule Rotarian “Get to Know Me” monthly presentation - Once a month have a SIRC member spend five minutes to explain what they do and answer questions.
3. Promote the use of the Community Assessment to determine Vocational needs.
4. Refocus efforts using this assessment to work with the Membership Committee and diversify club membership according to Vocational classification.
The Membership Committee (David Zeoli) Goals 2021-2022
  1. Sustain the club membership and strive to assist in recruiting and inducting ten new members.
  2. Strive to increase the club’s diversity of membership to permit the club to enter into new fields of service, fellowship and to help sharing in the beliefs of “Service Above Self”.
  3. Assist with the marketing and educational opportunities of the Public Image / Public Relations Committee.
  4. Conduct at a minimum of ten committee meetings over the 2021/22 club calendar year either via Zoom Conferencing or in person.
  5. Encourage all members of the Membership Committee to attend the District Membership meeting to be held in September, 2021
  6. Continue to refine the membership induction process to be more rewarding for the candidate and to stream line the process.
  7. Strive to have the Membership Committee to develop and implement a new member’s mentoring program by the existing club member “sponsor” to assure a successful first year of club service through learning of the benefits of club membership.
  8. Sustain and continue to improve the Fireside Chat program to increase the new members educational and service opportunities through club service.
  9. Increase the participation of the present and future board members to attend the annual Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI).
  10. Encourage at the minimum to have three committee members attend the District 7770 Conference.
The Rotary Foundation Committee- John Perrill 2021-2022 Goals
  1.        Promote the District Grant Program for our club to get more members involved by taking uniforms to each school. This is a $5,000 total grant from proceeds that the clubs have raised from previous years.
  2.        Provide each member with their total contributions to the Foundation, and provide them leadership to their next level of their PHF.
  3.        Encourage more members to attend the yearly District Foundation Meeting
  4.        Provide members with brochures on the different Rotary programs to increase their knowledge
  5.        Get outside speakers to provide the club with new ideas about the Foundation
  6.        Encourage more members to join the Benefactor Group by contributing $1,000 in their will to the Rotary Foundation.
  7.        Encourage new PHF to wear their pins with pride to the meetings
  8.        Nominate outstanding leaders in the community for their service with a PHF
  9.        Match dollar for dollar any member funds given to the Foundation.