Please join us to welcome a most dedicated community vounteer, Sean Georges.  Sean feeds the homeless around Lionel Roberts Stadium and has special projects for the youth.  We will meet Wednesday, at 5:30 pm at Westin's Snorkels cafe/bar.
We had the pleasure of welcoming a singing Rotarian at the end of February, what a riot!
Some clubs are singing clubs, and Sarah Richardson had us all singing Viva Le Rotary! with her.  She comes from a large club in Iowa City, 100 years old and with 300 members ranging from 29 to 90 years of age.  Some of their projects include funding surgery for cleft palate in Central and South America and a Ponsetti project that treats club foot without surgery, using rotation and casts.
Club presidents had a zoom meeting with the District Governor to discuss club and district activities and projects.
2016 Bluesfest will be held at the magical Susannaberg ruins this year, save the date March 26th for a great event.
Secretary B.J. gave a chilling session on electronic security and data fraud that had all of us running to check our junk email folders.  It's amazing how easy it is to lose your identity!